Jun 9, 2015

Summer is right around the corner, which means that the high temperatures and high humidity are, too. When the temperature outside rises, so does the temperature inside your car, and there’s nothing more uncomfortable than opening up a car door and being hit with sweltering heat. Your dealer wants you to stay comfortable this summer, which is why they want to offer you these tips for keeping your car cool in the summer.

Cool Car Tips

Put these tips into practice and your car will be nice and cool, no matter how hot it gets outside.

  • Park in the shade. While it may seem obvious to say, this is something that is often overlooked. Find a shady spot, even if it’s further away. It’s worth it to walk a little further and have a cool car than to park right in front in the blaring sun.
  • Put up a sunshade. Always keep a sunshade in the trunk and put it up when you park. This is particularly handy if you are parking in an area that doesn’t have any shade. It’s amazing how much cooler a car can stay when the sun doesn’t beat right inside.
  • Cover the steering wheel. Place a towel or some other cover over the steering wheel while you’re parked. This will protect the steering wheel and prevent you from burning your hands when you drive.
  • Keep the windows cracked. This will allow air to circulate inside, which will really help to keep things cool.