Archive for 'Dothan Toyota Service' Category
Jan 19, 2016

If you look around the streets while you’re traveling, you can’t help but notice how crossover SUVs are dominating the roads. When you have a family to haul around or lots of cargo, you need something larger than a car, but you don’t want to break the bank each time you head to the pump. […]

Oct 10, 2015

Tires are an essential feature of your car and if you want to keep them in great shape, be sure to keep up with routine tires services offered at our Dothan Toyota service center. We offer all of the services your tires need to keep in great shape. Take a look at our comprehensive tire […]

Sep 5, 2015

ToyotaCare is a maintenance program that covers normal factory scheduled service for two years of ownership, or up to 25,000 miles, whichever comes first. ToyotaCare Maintenance When you buy a new car, the last thing you should have to worry about is car maintenance. When you purchase a vehicle with ToyotaCare, you only need to […]

Jun 23, 2015

Taking care of you car is so important. With proper and regular maintenance, you can prolong the life of your vehicle, ensure its safety, keep it running smoothly and maintain fuel efficiency. If you’re looking for a service center that you can count on to provide your car with the best car possible, look no […]

Jun 13, 2015

There is nothing more frustrating than opening up your car door and seeing that it is in complete disarray. There is garbage stuffed in the console, the kids have littered their toys and snack wrappers all over the back seat and there is just junk everywhere. If your car is untidy, unorganized and just plain […]

Jun 9, 2015

Summer is right around the corner, which means that the high temperatures and high humidity are, too. When the temperature outside rises, so does the temperature inside your car, and there’s nothing more uncomfortable than opening up a car door and being hit with sweltering heat. Your dealer wants you to stay comfortable this summer, […]

Jun 4, 2015

Road trip season is about to kick off in full swing, and an important part of having a successful trip is packing appropriately. Pack too much and you’ll be cramped inside your vehicle and have to lug a bunch of stuff around. Pack too little and, well, you may not have what you need. Toyota […]

May 16, 2015

No cargo is more precious than your children, which is why your dealer wants to take the time to share some very important information regarding your child’s safety in your vehicle. Turn Them Around – From newborn up to the age of two, children are required to sit in rear-facing car seats. The reason for […]

May 5, 2015

There is nothing more frustrating than going out to your car, putting the key in the ignition and finding out that your car won’t start and you can’t figure out what is going on – which is why your dealer wants to shed some light on some of the most common reasons why your car […]

Mar 26, 2015

Are you abreast of the recalls on your car? Researching recalls for your vehicles and pre-owned vehicles you plan to buy is easy and free. Millions of recalls are issued every year, and some people have the issues addressed, while others do not. Are you up-to-date on yours? If you want to know if your […]