How to Prepare for a Road Trip

How To Prepare For A Road Trip

How to Prepare For a Road Trip

If you're planning an upcoming road trip, Toyota of Dothan is here to help! In addition to making sure your vehicle is in great shape, we also wanted to share a few additional tips to help you prepare and make the trip as smooth as possible. No matter the occasion, here are a few ways you can ready yourself and your vehicle for the road ahead.

How to Prepare Your Car

Have a mechanic look over your car

1. Have a mechanic look over your car.

First, you'll want to make sure your vehicle is up for the trip. The last thing you'll want to deal with while on vacation is an unexpected breakdown. And that's where our service center comes in. We can perform a multipoint inspection to make sure your vehicle is ready to go and take care of any issues so that you can drive away with confidence. From changing your oil to checking your fluid levels, battery, brakes and more, we've got you covered!

Inspect your tires

2. Inspect your tires.

Are your tires in good shape? Whether you're traveling a long or short distance, it's important that they're in good condition. You can check by sticking a penny between the treads, with Lincoln's head upside down — if part of Lincoln's head disappears, they're in good shape. If all of his head shows, your tires are worn down and it's time for a new set. We can also check your tires for you and, if you need new ones, help you select the right set for your Toyota.

Inspect your tires

3. Don't overload your vehicle.

Make sure you don't bring excess luggage on your trip, especially if you're traveling with several passengers. Too much weight can negatively impact your vehicle's handling and gas mileage, while luggage piled too high can obstruct your rear view.

How To Prepare Yourself

Have a mechanic look over your car

1. Devices: Charged.

You'll want to fully charge your devices before leaving. Using data will deplete your battery faster than using WiFi, and if you travel through areas without service, your phone will search for a signal, which will also drain the battery. Make sure you bring your phone charger along!

Inspect your tires

2. Extra Supplies: Packed.

In addition to your luggage, make sure you bring along extra supplies in case of an emergency. Pack a supply of water, a flashlight, batteries, extra jackets and blankets. Make sure you have a first aid kit handy and inspect your jumper cables to make sure they're in good condition. 

Inspect your tires

3. Caffeine: On Hand.

It's crucial to stay alert while driving, so bring along beverages and snacks like coffee, tea, energy drinks, chocolate, etc. in case you need a pick-me-up. These will help fight drowsiness and even boredom. While it's easy to zone out on long drives, this can endanger you, your passengers and others on the road. If caffeine isn't your thing, try listening to music or rolling down the windows. And always get a solid night's sleep before any trip.

Inspect your tires

4. GPS: Connected.

It's a good idea to have a GPS for backup — especially in areas where you can't rely on your phone for service. Make sure it's all set before starting on your trip so you don't become distracted once you're on the road.

Inspect your tires

5. Stay Safe.

Remember to stay alert and practice safe driving habits. Never text and drive, and pay attention to speed limits and traffic signs. Your safety, and the safety of those around you, is the most important thing. Safe travels!

If you need your vehicle inspected or repaired before taking your next vacation, schedule a service appointment with Toyota of Dothan and come see us at 2285 Ross Clark Circle, Dothan, AL 36301. We look forward to serving our customers from Ozark and Enterprise.