Fall Car Care Tips in Dothan, AL

Fall Car Care Tips

Fall Car Care Tips in Dothan, AL

From baking pies to picking apples, autumn is always a great time of year. However, it does mean that colder weather is on its way, and the dropping temperatures can be harsh on your vehicle. That’s why it’s a good idea to show your car, truck or SUV some TLC before winter arrives! To help, we’ve put together this list of our top tips for autumn maintenance, so keep reading to find out more!

Top 4 Fall Tips

1. Tire Tread and Pressure

Winter can mean potential road hazards, no matter where you live. Many recommend switching from summer tires to all-season tires and checking the tire treads. Just put a penny into the tread grooves; if Lincoln’s head is showing, the treads are less than the recommended 2/32” (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).

Tire pressure can also affect how your car handles road hazards, and colder weather affects the pressure. For every 10-degree Fahrenheit drop in temperature, your tires can lose up to one pound of pressure. If you plan on checking it yourself, be sure to refer to your owner’s manual for the recommended tire pressure.

2. Battery

Nobody wants a sudden battery failure while driving. That’s why you should check yours, as cold weather can drastically affect automotive batteries. Also, you should check the connections – make sure they’re tight, clean and free of corrosion. Unfamiliar with batteries? Bring your vehicle in to have the battery tested. If it’s over three years old, it’s probably time to have it replaced.

3. Heating and Cooling

While it’s a nice creature comfort to get into a warm car when the weather is cold, having functioning heating and cooling is important for safety reasons. For example, you may need to defrost your windows on a particularly chilly day. If your vehicle’s heating and cooling aren’t functioning properly, be sure to bring in your car!

4. Lights

As fun as fall can be, it does mean the days are getting shorter. That means you’ll need to use your vehicle’s headlights more frequently. Fall is a good time of year to check all of your lights, including brake lights and turn signals. If you find any broken or burnt out bulbs, be sure to have them replaced as soon as possible.

If you'd like to learn more or need repairs for your vehicle, contact us today or stop by our dealership at 2285 Ross Clark Circle, Dothan, AL 36301. We look forward to serving our customers near Ozark and Enterprise.